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You know your hormones are shifting. You can feel it. 


Maybe you’re having hot flashes. Not sleeping. Tired all the time. Your periods are all over the place. You’re irritable. Your brain is in a fog. And what’s up with that roll of fat around your middle?


You don’t want to continue this way.


And menopause is supposed to be natural, right? The change happens to every woman. Right?


Now the question is: Why does it have to be so hard?


Whether you’re pre-menopausal and your periods are irregular, you’re perimenopausal and you’re stating to have some symptoms, you’re menopausal and feel like you’re drying up or postmenopausal and it’s been years since your last period and now it feels like you’re going through the change all over again…


…You’re probably struggling right now, and worried about what life is going to be like without your hormones in the next year or ten or even 20 years from now.


Already your body is suffering. And your mind. And your relationships.


Let’s change that starting right now and talk about it.


I believe that women deserve to know the truth about their health so that they can have a sense of wholeness in their life.

This begins with women feeling heard, valued, and empowered to live in harmony with their cycles and beyond.


I wholeheartedly believe in: radical transparency and vulnerability (with the right people), and my own intuition, which never leaves me astray. I believe that you can give more freely to others once you learn to practice healthy boundaries.


I’m also happy to report that the cliché about how you stop caring about what other people of you the older you get is true!


My mission is to empower individuals in the achievement of YONI health, balance and harmonious living through the application of holistic practices. I am passionate about empowering women through celebrating our femininity.


I want women to get more in touch with their amazing bodies, awaken sensuality and cultivate more self-love.

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