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5 Ways to Take Care of Your Self

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

1. Live Healthy, eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, exercise regularly. Manage stress and go for regular medical check-ups.

2. Practice good hygiene. Good hygiene is important for social, medical, and psychological reasons in that it not only reduces the risk of illness, but it also improves the way others view you and how you view yourself.

3. Try to do something you enjoy every day. That might mean dancing, watching a favorite TV show, working in the garden, painting or reading.

4. Find ways to relax, like mediation, yoga, getting a massage, taking a bath or walking in the forest preserves.

5. Say no to others, and say yes to your self-care. Learning to say no is really hard; many of us feel obligated to say yes when someone asks for our time or energy. However, if you’re already stressed or overworked, saying yes to loved ones or coworkers can lead to burnout, anxiety, and irritability. It may take a little practice, but once you learn how to politely say no, you’ll start to feel more self-confident, and you’ll have more time for your self-care.

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